Message from Principal and Dean NUST SEECS

Dr. S.M Hassan Zaidi.
Dr. Osman Hasan

The recent advancement in Electrical Engineering and Computing has transformed our lives tremendously. The way we communicate and commute, our health and environment, what we eat and how we live is all one way or the other linked to Electrical Engineering and Computing technologies. As Principal and Dean of NUST’s School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS), I feel quite honored to lead one of NUST’s largest and most illustrious schools.

Located in the heart of the capital city of Islamabad, NUST is one of the leading engineering universities of Pakistan. The Electrical Engineering and Computing programs, offered at NUST SEECS, have been ranked among the top 300 in the world by the QS rankings. The contribution of our faculty in the domains of telecommunications, IoTs,  machine learning, image processing, speech recognition, control systems, formal methods, e-health, are particularly commendable.

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