Faculty achievements

Journal Papers & Book Chapters of Dr. Syed Ali Hassan & Dr. Hassaan Khaliq Qureshi have been accepted - 6th November, 2019
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1 Impact factor and 2 conference papers by Dr.Hassaan Khaliq Qureshi have been Accepted - 6th Nov, 2019
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Two Research papers of Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Rana have been accepted for publication - 31st October, 2019
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Dr. Khattak presented his research work at HONET-ICT 2019 - 29th October, 2019
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Journal Paper of Dr. Rafia Mumtaz has been accepted for publlication - 24th October, 2019
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Three Journal papers of Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Rana have been accepted for publication - 21st October, 2019
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Young Scientist award for 2019 - 28th September, 2019
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Dr. Muazzam A. Khan Khattak has been appointed as Associate Editor of IEEE Access, USA as an acceptance of his contributions-19th Sep, 2019
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Book Chapter of Dr. Rafia Mumtaz & Dr. Syed Ali Hassan has been approved - 11th Sep, 2019
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Research paper of Dr. Rafia Mumtaz & Dr. Syed Ali Hassan has been published - 2nd Sep, 2019
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Research paper of Dr. Qaiser Riaz has been accepted for publication - 31st July, 2019
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Research paper of Dr. Shahzad Younis has been accepted for publication - 23rd July, 2019
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Visit of Dr. Syed Ali Hassan to Incheon National University, Korea - 22nd July, 2019
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Research paper of Dr. Saad Qaisar has been accepted for publication - 2nd July, 2019
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Research Paper of Bakhtawar Shaukat, Mphil Student of Dr. Quanita Kiran has been accepted for publication - 1st July, 2019
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Journal paper of Dr. Muazzam A. Khan has been accepted for publication in IEEE ACCESS - 6th May, 2019
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Dr. Syed Ali Hassan,got acceptance of his research from 6 prestigious journals of telecommunications in April 2019 - 5th May, 2019
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Three Journal Papers & Three Conference Papers by Dr.Hassaan Khaliq Qureshi have been Accepted in past three months - 3rd May, 2019
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Research Paper has been accepted for publication by Dr. Salman Abdul Ghafoor - 26th April, 2019
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Dr. Muazzam A. Khan give a talk in 17th International Conference on E-Society 2019 - 16th April, 2019
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Research Papers of Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Rana have been accepted for publication in IEEE ACCESS
4th April, 2019
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Journal Paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE ACCESS by Dr. Abdul Wahid - 21st March, 2019
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Mr. Arshad Nazir got 1st position in Above 50 Years Category NUST Marathon 2019 - 13th March, 2019
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Dr. Shahid Baqar got 2nd position in Above 50 Years Category NUST Marathon 2019 - 13th March, 2019
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Dr. Muazzam Ali Khan Khattak published Book Chapter in Springer Advances in Information and Communication - 5th March, 2019
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Journal Paper Published by Dr.Hassaan Khaliq Qureshi - 24th January, 2019
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Research Paper has been accepted by Dr. Sajjad Hussain - 23rd January, 2019
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Dr. Muazzam A. Khan has given talk on Applications of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in Future of Information and Communication Conference at San Francisco, California, USA.
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Journal Papers Published by Dr. Sohail Iqbal in 2018
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Journal Papers Published by Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Rana in 2018
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Research Paper has been accepted by Dr. Shahzad Younis
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Research Paper has been accepted by Dr. Muhammad Moazam Fraz's
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Two Research papers have been accepted in ISI indexed journals by Dr. Rana Iftikhar
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SEECS and Bitsym collaboration got approval for funding from TDF appx 11.5 million PKR
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Dr. Mahdi Hussain's (survey) article has been accepted in Elsevier Signal Processing Image Communication journal (SPIC)
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Journal Paper of Dr. Asad Ali Shah has been accepted in Springer’s Knowledge and Information Systems(KAIS) journal. 
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Dr. Syed Ali Hassan has been awarded the "Research Productivity Award 2017"
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Research Papers of Dr. Hassaan Khaliq Qureshi has been Accepted for publication
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Dr. Syed Ali Hassan got Acceptance of his Research Work in 6 top Journals of Telecommunications
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Dr Muazzam A. Khan Khattak attended International Conference on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence (CSCI'17)
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Visiting Fellowship at University of Oxford, UK
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Research Paper of Dr. Usman Zabit has been Published by IEEE Sensors Journal. 
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Dr. Ali Tahir launches First Urdu Speech Recognition Website for Public.
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Research Paper of Dr. Rizwan Ahmad has been accepted for publication.
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Research Paper of Dr. Hassaan Khaliq has been Accepted
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Article published in IF 3.244 Impact Factor journal: IEEE Access
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Article accepted and published in IF 3.992 Impact Factor journal: Elsever Future Generation Computer Systems:
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Two Journal Papers by Dr. Syed Ali Hassan have been Accepted
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Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Published ISI Indexed Journal Paper
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Dr. Seemab Latif has Secured Funding from HEC and Published Journal Paper
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Two Research Proposals of Dr. Ahmad Salman Accepted in National ICT R&D Fund
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Dr Syed Taha Ali Published Research Papers
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Inclusion in "Directory of Productive Scientists of Pakistan 2016"
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Dr. Shehzad Younis published journal paper" Mobile Health in the developing world: review of literature and lessons from a Case Study"
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Dr. Rafia Mumtaz, Assistant Professor SEECS, has been elevated to IEEE Senior Member
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journal Paper Accepted for Publication in Elsevier journal of Control Engineering Practice
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Dr. Saad Bin Qaisar attains combined Impact Factor of 50 per 2017
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Project lead by Dr. Saad  Bin Qaisar made it to feature at national television.
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Dr. Osman Hasan attended the 42nd Islamic Development Bank’s (IDB’s) Annual Meeting
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Dr. Muazzam Ali Khan Khattak Presented Paper at Jakarta, Indonesia
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Dr. Saad Bin Qaisar was awarded Certificate of Appreciation by IEEE's premier publication, IEEE Access Journal.
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Dr. Hassaan Khaliq Qureshi Received a Scholarship from Erasmus Mundus INTACT Project
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Dr Latif Anjum secured funding of PKR 4.70M for his project in the domain of mobile robotics through HEC-NRPU
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Dr. Awais M. Kamboh has been elevated to IEEE Senior Member on March 1, 2017
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Dr. Osman Hasan visited Center of Embedded Systems (CES), KIT Germany.
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Dr Hassan Aqeel's Research Paper has been accepted for publications in the IEEE Transactions of Biomedical Circuits & Systems (TBioCAS impact Factor 2.018).
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Mr. Shamyl Bin Mansoor Invited as a Panelist in the School of tomorrow event on Sunday 12th March 2017
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Dr. Syed Ali Hassan has been elevated to IEEE Senior Member on March 1, 2017
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TPL Maps to Introduce Pakistan's Frst Voice-Enabled Navigation in Urdu
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Dr Saad Bin Qaisar gave an invited talk at 29th South Asia Network Operators Group Conference on 24th January, 2017.
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Dr. Syed Ali Hassan giving an Invited Talk at the IEEE Frontiers of Information Technology Conference on 5G Wireless Communications (21, December 2016)
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Dr Sharifullah Khan Awarded HEC Best University Teacher Award for year 2015
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Dr. Hammad Cheema Awarded Best Teacher Award for year 2015-16
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Dr. Syed Ali Hassan received the Best Researcher Award for the year 2015-16. 
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Star Researchers Award Ceremony held on 23rd May, 2016. 
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A research proposal by SEECS faculty members, Dr. Osman Hasan and Dr. Saad Qaiser, on developing an automated cell micro-injection system has been accepted by National ICTR&D fund. They have awarded  38.5 Million PK Rs. for the execution of this project for a duration of 30 months. 
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Dr. Muhammad Moazam Fraz’s research article titled, "Computer Vision Techniques Applied for Diagnostic Analysis of Retinal OCT Images: A Review" has been published on 13th April 2016 in the Springer‘s journal “Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering” (impact factor 3.68)

Dr. Muhammad Moazam Fraz’s research article titled, "Localization and segmentation of optic disc in retinal images using Circular Hough transform and Grow Cut algorithm" has been published on 21st April 2016 in the journal “PEERJ” (impact factor 2.11)

Dr. Muhammad Moazam Fraz’s research article titled, "Automated retinal image quality assessment on the UK Biobank dataset for epidemiological studies" has been published on 1st April 2016 in the Elsevier‘s journal “Computers in Biology and Medicine” (impact factor 1.24)

Dr Saad bin Qaisar has been awarded the Best Researcher Award for the year 2014-15 at NUST-SEECS.

Dr Nadeem Ahmed has been awarded the Best Teacher Award for the year 2014-15 at NUST-SEECS.

'Watercense' was awarded National Runner-up award in UNIDO’s Cleantech Open accelerator competition. The team of Dr. Saad, Dr. Shahzad and Dr. Hammad have proposed a real-time monitoring system for detection of bacterial and chemical contaminants in drinking water.

Dr. Shahzad Younis and Dr. Hammad Cheema were awarded National Runner-up award in the Future Agro Challenge business plan competition held at NARC on 28th August 2015. They pitched a product called AgriSens which is a combination of a smart phone application and hardware companion devices with a vision to rethink the agriculture ecosystem of Pakistan.

Dr. Saad Bin Qaisar, Electrical Engineering faculty at school of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is selected to head one of the four core working groups established by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority towards establishment of Pakistan Internet Exchange Point (IXP)
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Dr. Muhammad Moazam Fraz’s journal paper titled, "QUARTZ : Quantitative Analysis of Retinal Vessel Topology and size - An automated system for quantification of retinal vessels morphology" has been published on 19th May 2015 in the Elsevier‘s journal “Expert Systems with Applications” as Online-First article. DOI: doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2015.05.022. This is an ISI indexed journal with an impact factor of 1.965.

Dr. Muhammad Moazam Fraz’s journal paper titled, "Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection Combined with Dual Classification for the Automated Detection of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy" has been published on 20th March 2015 in the Elsevier‘s journal “Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics” as Online-First article. DOI: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2015.03.003. This is an ISI indexed journal with an impact factor of 1.496. 

Dr. Muhammad Moazam Fraz’s journal paper titled, "Optic Disc Detection and Localization in Retinal Images" has been accepted for publication on 12th March 2015 in the journal “Applied Optics”. This is an ISI indexed journal with an impact factor of 1.649.

Dr. Saad Qaisar's paper titled Monitoring Internet Censorship with UBICA,"  was accepted for publication in 7th Traffic Measurement and Analysis workshop, Barcelona, Spain. This paper is a study jointly undertaken with Georgia Institute of Technology USA and University of Napoli Federico II (Italy). The study has high relevance to three countries, Pakistan, Italy and Korea providing an anatomy and comparative analysis on internet censorship.

Dr. Tauseef Tauqeer has been selected for the Best Teacher Award for the academic year 2013-14 at NUST-SEECS

Dr. Saad Bin Qaisar Assistant Professor at the Electrical Engineering department and the Director of the Connekt lab at SEECS has been conferred senior membership of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This membership grade recognizes significant professional technical accomplishment and leadership, and has been conferred to less than 8% of the IEEE’s 400,000 members

A Project led by Dr. Hammad Cheema has won the Best IT Innovation award (BITA) 2014 on 18th December 2014 in Islamabad.
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Dr. Saad Bin Qaisar from SEECS has been selected for the NUST Best Researcher Award 2012.The award comprising President’s Gold Medal was conferred on him by Mr. Mamnoon Hussain (President of Pakistan) on May 7, 2014 during the 8th Post Graduate Convocation at NUST Main Campus in Islamabad

Dr. Junaid Qadir has been selected for the HEC University Best Teacher Award for 2012-2013

A research project jointly undertaken by SEECS faculty Dr. Saad Bin Qaisar from NUST and Dr. Ijaz Naqvi (LUMS) titled 'Safer Mines' won prestigious P@SHA ICT R&D award for the year 2014.
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The launch ceremony of Professor Aslam Bazmi's book titled Our Quaid - As Remembered and Reported was held  in the seminar hall of NUST School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (SEECS) on November 7, 2014.
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Dr. Junaid Qadir Assistant Professor at the Electrical Engineering department and the Director of the Cognet lab at SEECS has been conferred senior membership of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This membership grade recognizes significant professional technical accomplishment and leadership, and has been conferred to less than 8% of the IEEE’s 400,000 members. 

Dr. Munir Ahmad Tarar from the Department of Electrical Engineering at NUST-SEECS has been elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member, effective September 2014. IEEE Senior Membership is an honor bestowed only to those who have made significant contributions to the profession.

Dr. Rafia Mumtaz is selected on 28th Feb 2014 for British Council UK-Researcher link research grant. There were minimum of 5 awards for Pakistan nationals. The research fund will be granted for the collaborative research between SEECS-NUST and Surrey Space Center, University of Surrey, UK

Dr. Rafia Mumtaz's journal paper titled,"Georeferencing of UK DMC stereo-images without ground control points by exploiting geometric distortions " has been published on 4th March 2014 in International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 35, Issue 6 pp. 2136-2169 | DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2014.887236. This is an ISI indexed journal with an impact factor of 1.13.

The KTH - Applied Information Security lab, directed by Dr. Muhammad Awais Shibli,  is pleased to announce the approval of their project proposal entitled “Secure and Authorized Dynamic Group Resource Management” by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan
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Dr. Osman Hasan from SEECS has received the Higher Education Commission (HEC)'s Best Young Research Scholar Award for the years 2010 and 2011. There is only one award in this category for engineering and computer science related disciplines all over Pakistan.
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Dr. Muhammad Usman Ilyas' paper titled "Who are You Talking to? Breaching Privacy in Encrypted IM Networks,"  was accepted for publication in the 21st IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'13), one of the most competitive and prestigious networking conferences. This year's acceptance rate is 18%. The research presented in the paper has become especially relevant and significant with the story about Edward Snowden's leak about the NSA PRISM program breaking at the same time.

Dr. Muhammad Awais Shibli (PI, SEECS-NUST) won a PKR 13.08 Million research grant for 2 years from the National ICT R&D Fund for the project titled ‘Extensible Access Control Framework for Cloud based Applications’.
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Dr. Awais M. Kamboh’s research paper titled: "Computationally Efficient Neural Feature Extraction for Spike Sorting in Implantable High-Density Recording Systems," has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE). IEEE TNSRE is an ISI indexed journal with a 5-year impact factor of 3.95. The work presents a novel technique for processing of neural signals to be used in implantable brain-machine interfaces and brain-controlled artificial limbs.

Dr. Rafia Mumtaz'sresearch paper titled: "Attitude Determination by Exploiting Geometric Distortions in Stereo Images of DMC Camera" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES),  IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES) is an ISI indexed journal with an impact factor of 1.68. The work presented in this paper is based on the sensor configuration of UK-DMC, Algeria Sat and Nigeria Sat 1 satellites.

Dr. Muhammad Usman Ilyas (PI), Dr. Khawar Khurshid (Co-PI, SEECS-NUST) and Dr. Muddesar Iqbal (Co-PI, University of Gujrat) won a PKR 9.8 Million research grant for 2 years from the National ICT R&D Fund for the project titled 'Detecting Covert Links in Instant Messaging Networks Using Flow Level log Data

Dr. Osman Hasan (NUST SEECS) along with Prof. Dr. Sofiene Tahar (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada) and Dr. Mohamed Salah Hamdi (Ahmed Bin Mohammed Military College, Qatar) won a USD 0.922 million research grant from Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF under their National Priorities Research Program (NPRP).
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Dr. Nauman A. Qureshi's paper titled: "Towards a Requirements Modeling Language for Self-Adaptive Systems" has been nominated for the BEST PAPER AWARD in 18th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2012), Essen, Germany.

Dr. Kamran Munir’s research paper entitled “Ontology-Driven Relational Query Formulation Using the Semantic and Assertional Capabilities of OWL-DL” got accepted into ELSEVIER’s Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) journal (Impact Factor: 1.574). The ELSEVIER’s KBS is a reputed international, interdisciplinary and applications-oriented journal on Knowledge-Based Systems.

Shamyl Bin Mansoor, won the Aarfa Karim Gold Medal for the best Scientific Paper at 3rd International eHealth Conference 21-22 January, held at University of Health Sciences Lahore.

Dr Syed Ali Khayam,  made his mark as the proud recipient  of HEC Best Young Scholar Award in  Engineering and Technology category
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Dr. Saad Bin Qaisar (NUST-PI) and Dr. Emad Felemban (UQU-PI)  win USD 0.535 million research grant from King Abdul Aziz City of Science & Technology (KACST) under National Program for Science and Technology (Strategic Technologies)
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Dr. Saad Bin Qaisar (PI, NUST) and Dr. Ijaz Naqvi(Co-I, LUMS)  win Rs. 14.5 million (USD 170,000) research grant from National  ICT R&D Fund, Pakistan.
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Dr. Saad Bin Qaisar selected track chair for Cyber Physical Systems track at 12th International Conference on Computational Sciencs & Applications (ICCSA), Salvador, Brazil (2012)
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