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Selection of Final Year Project:

By week-15 of semester-6, the final year students must select their FYP in consultation with their supervisor and get it registered over PMS.


Templates for the Required Reports:

Assessment Rubrics:

Constitution of FYP Evaluation Panel and Marks Distribution:

Panel Member-wise marks distribution

All assessments shall be conducted by a panel consisting of four evaluators that include:

  1. Advisor - 40% weightage
  2. Co-advisor - 20% weightage
  3. Evaluator 3* - 20% weightage
  4. Evaluator 4* - 20% weightage

* Evaluators numbered 3 and 4 shall be assigned by the department.

Semester-wise Marks Distribution

To calculate the overall aggregate score for a FYP course:

  1. 33.3% is assigned to marks earned in FYP-I (2 CHs).
  2. 66.7% is assigned to marks earned in FYP-II (4 CHs).

Re-evaluation of an FYP activity after getting “F” status

If students perform poorly in an assessment, they may be awarded an “F” status in that activity over PMS. The students may retake the activity within two weeks or the time decided by the committee. In case of a re-evaluation after getting “F” status, students shall earn a maximum 80% marks in that activity; 20% marks to be deducted as a penalty.